Seminários em neuropsicofarmacologia 2014:

Os seminários em Neuropsicofarmacologia são realizados todas as terças-feiras, às 17h, na sala 14, no Departamento de Farmacologia (CCB - Bloco D - UFSC).
O grupo de estudo inclui os alunos do Laboratório de Neuropsicofarmacologia (Prof. Leandro Bertoglio) e alguns alunos do Laboratório de Doenças Neurodegenerativas (Prof. Rui Prediger) e do Laboratório de Neurobiologia COmportamental (Prof. Antônio de Pádua Carobrez).

Abaixo seguem as próximas datas das apresentações:

25/02 - Frank
04/03 - Carnaval
11/03 - Marcelo
18/03 - Lucas
25/03 - Ana Carolina
01/04 - Camila
08/04 - Marina
15/04 - Maria Alice
22/04 - Heloísa V.
29/04 - Ana Cristina

06/05 - Frank
13/05 - Marcelo
20/05 - Lucas
27/05 - Ana Carolina
03/06 - Camila
10/06 - Marina
17/06 - Maria Alice
24/06 - Heloisa V.
01/07 - Ana Cristina

15/07 - Frank
22/07 - Ana Cristina
12/08 - Marcelo
19/08 - Lucas
26/08 - Felipe
02/09 - Ana Carolina
09/09 - Rafael
16/09 - Camila
23/09 - Marina
30/09 - Ana Cristina

23/09 - Marina
30/09 - Frank
07/10 - Disciplina
14/10 - Disciplina

21/10 - Marcelo
28/10 - Felipe
04/11 - Ana Carolina
11/11 - Rafael
18/11 - Marina

Artigos apresentados:

16.09.14 – Bidirectional switch of the valence associated with a hippocampal contextual memory engram.
02.09.14 – Systems reconsolidation reveals a selective role for the anterior cingulate cortex in generalized contextual fear memory expression.
26.08.14 – A spinal analog of memory reconsolidation enables reversal of hyperalgesia.
19.08.14 – Reconsolidation allows fear memory to be updated to a less aversive level through the incorporation of appetitive information.
12.08.14 – Inhibition and enhancement of contextual fear memory destabilization.
22.07.14 – B-amyloid pathology alters neural network activation during retrieval of contextual fear memories in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
15.07.14 – The CB1 receptor antagonist AM251 impairs reconsolidation of Pavlovian fear memory in the rat basolateral amygdala.
24.06.14 – Persistent prelimbic cortex activity contributes to enhanced learned fear expression in females.
10.06.14 – Ex vivo dissection of potogenetically activated mPFC and hippocampal inputs to neurons in the basolateral amygdala: implications for fear and emotional memory.
03.06.14 – Synaptic plasticity alterations associated with memory impairment induced by deletion of CB2 cannabinoid receptors.
27.05.14 – Long-range connectivity defines behavioral specificity of amygdala neurons.
20.05.14 – Improved long-term memory via enhancing cGMP-PKG signaling requires cAMP-PKA signaling.
13.05.14 – An unconditioned stimulus retrieval extinction procedure to prevent the return of fear memory.
06.05.14 – Pharmacological activation of CB1 receptor modulates long term potentiation by interfering with protein synthesis.
29.04.14 – Disrupted cross-laminar cortical processing in B amyloid pathology precedes cell death.
22.04.14 – Role of TRPV1 in consolidation of fear memories depends on the averseness of the conditioning procedure.
08.04.14 – Spine growth in the anterior cingulate cortex is necessary for the consolidation of contextual fear memory.
25.03.14 – Learning and reconsolidation implicate diferente synaptic mechanisms.
25.03.14 – Corticosterone-induced enhancement of memory and synaptic Arc protein in the medial prefrontal cortex.
18.03.14 – M1-muscarinic receptors promote fear memory consolidation via phospholipase-C and M-current.
11.03.14 – Elimination of dendritic spines with long-term memory is specific to active circuits.
25.02.14 – Activation of CB1 cannabinoid receptors in the dorsolateral periaqueductal gray reduces the expression of contextual fear conditioning in rats.
10.12.13 – The slow after hyperpolarization: a target of B1-adrenergic signaling in hippocampus-dependent memory retrieval.
03.12.13 – Prelimbic BDNF and TRKB signaling regulates consolidation of both appetitive and aversive emotional learning.
26.11.13 – Polymodal activation of the endocannabinoid system in the extended amygdala.
19.11.13 – Differential diurnal variations of anandamide and 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol levels in rat brain.
29.10.13 – Thalamic glutamatergic afferents into the rat basolateral amygdala exhibit increased presynaptic glutamatergic function following withdrawal from chronic intermitente etanol.
22.10.13 – Prefrontal cortical anandamide signaling coordinates coping responses to stress throught a serotonergic pathway.
01.10.13 – Creating a false memory in the hippocampus.
24.09.13 – Potentiation of GluN2C/D NMDA receptor subtypes in the amygdala facilitates the retention of fear and extinction learning in mice.
17.09.13 – Glucocorticoid receptors recruit the CamKII2-BDNF-CREB pathways to mediate memory consolidation.
03.09.13 – Cognitive abnormalities and hippocampal alterations in monoamine oxidase A and B knockout mice.
27.08.13 – Bimodal controlo f fear-coping strategies by CB1 cannabinoid receptors.
20.08.13 – Plastic modifications induced by object recognition memory processing.
13.08.13 – Circadian glucocorticoid oscillations promote learning-dependent synapse formation and maintenance.
30.07.13 – Infusion of brain-derived neurotrophic fator into the ventral tegmental área switches the substrates mediating ethanol motivation.
16.07.13 – The prelimbic cortex is critical  for context-dependent fear expression.
09.07.13 – Glucocorticoids Interact with the hippocampal endocannabinoid system in impairing retrieval of contextual fear memory.
02.07.13 – Prefrontal microcircuit underlies contextual learning after hippocampal loss.
25.06.13 – Cannabidiol enhances anandamide signaling and alleviates psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia.
18.06.13 – Elevated brain cannabinoid CB1 receptor availability in posttraumatic stress disorder: a pósitron emission tomography study.
11.06.13 – Role of the endocannabinoid system in regulating glucocordicoid effects on memory for emotional experiences.
04.06.13 – Cannabinoid CB1 receptors in the medial prefrontal córtex modulate the expression. Of contetual fear conditioning.
28.05.13 – Stress increases voluntary alcohol intake, but does not alter established drinking habits in a rat model of PTSD.
21.05.13 – Adult anxiety-related behavior of rats following consumption during late adolescence of alcohol alone and in combination with caffeine.
14.05.13 – Reactivation enables memory updating, precision-keeping and strengthening: exploring the possible biological roles of reconsolidation.
07.05.13 – Dopamine D3 receptors regulate reconsolidation of cocaine memory.
30.04.13 – Memory reconsolidation and its maintenance depend on L-voltage-dependent calcium channels and CaMKII functions regulating protein turnover in the hippocampus.
23.04.13 – Stress within a restricted time window selectively affects the persistence of long-term memory.
16.04.13 – Differential roles of the dorsal and ventral hippocampus in predator odor contextual fear conditioning.
09.04.13 – Cannabinoid receptor agonists upregulate and enhance serotonin 2A (5-HT(2A)) receptor activity via ERK1/2 signaling.
02.04.13 – Social modulation of learning in rats. Olfactory signals mediate social buffering of conditioned fear responses in male rats.
26.03.13 – Involvement of the anterior cingulate cortex in formation, consolidation, and reconsolidation of recent and remote contextual fear memory.
19.03.13 – Recruitment of medial prefrontal córtex neurons during alcohol withdrawal predicts cognitive impairments and excessive alcohol drinking.
12.03.13 – Effects of a selective cannabinoid CB2 agonist and antagonista on intravenous nicotine self administration and reinstatement of nicotine seeking.
26.02.13 – Reactivation of neural ensembles during the retrieval of recente and remote memory.
19.02.13 – Divergent cellular pathways of hippocampal memory consolidation and reconsolidation.
05.02.13 – The nucleus of the solitary tract-nucleus paragigantocellularis – locus coeruleus – CA1 region of dorsal hippocampus pathway is important for consolidation of object recognition memory.
29.01.13 – Neurobiological dissociation of retrieval and reconsolidation of cocaine-associated memory.
22.01.13 – The anxiolytic effect of canabidiol on chronically stressed mice depends on hippocampal neurogenesis: involvement of the endocannabinoid system.
11.12.12 – A memory retrieval-extinction procedure to prevent drug craving and relapse.
04.12.12 – Cannabinoid receptor antagonists counteracts sensorimotor gating déficits in the phencyclidine modelo f psychosis.
27.22.12 – Progression of parkinson’s disease pathology is reproduced by intragastric administration of rotenone in mice.
20.11.12 – Rising taurine and etanol concentrations in nucleus accumbens interacts to produce dopamine release after etanol administration.
06.11.12 – Stress-induced sensitization of cortical adrenergic receptors following a history of cannabinoid exposure.
30.10.12 – Stress responses of adolescent male and female rats exposed repeatedly to cat odor stimuli, and long-term enhancement of adult defensive behaviors.
23.10.12 – Cannabinoid CB1 receptors in the modulation of stress coping behavior in mice: the role of serotonin and diferente forebrain neuronal subpopulations.
09.10.12 – Goal-oriented searching mediated by ventral hippocampus early in trial-and-error learning.
02.10.12 – Intermittent physical stress during early-and mid-adolescence differentially alters rats’ anxiety- and depression-like behaviors in adulthood.
25.09.12 – Long term cognitive impairments induced by chronic cannabinoid exposure during adolescence in rats: a strain comparison.
18.09.12 – Cholinergic blockade frees extinction from its contextual dependency.
11.09.12 – The anterior cingulate cortex is a target structure for the anxiolytic-like effects of benzodiazepines assessed by repeated exposure to the elevated plus-maze and fos immunoreactivity.
04.09.12 – Alpha-amyrin disrupts prepulse inhibition of startle in rats.
28.08.12 – Common influences of non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonists on the consolidation and reconsolidation of cocaine-cue memory.
14.08.12 – Can energy drinks reduce the depressor effect of etanol? An experimental study in mice.
07.08.12 – Win55212-2 attenuates amyloid-beta-induced neuroinflammation in rats through activation of cannabinoid receptors and PPAR-y pathway.
24.07.12 – Working memory and the homeostatic control of brain adenosine by adenosine kinase.
17.07.12 – Schema-dependent gene activation and memory encoding in neocortex.
10.07.12 – Dorsal hippocampus is necessary for novel learning but suficiente for subsequent similar learning.
03.07.12 – Single prolonged stress disrupt retention of extinguished fear in rats.
26.06.12 – A rat modelo f post-traumatic stress disorder reproduces the hippocampal deficits seen in the human syndrome.
19.06.12 – Impact of predatory threat on fear extinction in Lewis rats.
12.06.12 – Enhancement of endocannabinoid signaling with JZL184, na inhibitor of the 2-arachidonoylglycerol hydrolyzing enzyme monoacylglycerol lipase, produces anxiolytic effects under conditions of enviromental aversiveness in rats.
15.05.12 – Activation of cannabinoid CB1 receptors in the dorsolateral periaqueductal gray induces anxiolytic effects in rats submitted to the Vogel conflict test. 
08.05.12 – Stress and glucocorticoids impair memory retrieval via B2-adrenergic Gi/0 coupled suppression ando f cAMP signaling.
24.04.12 – Redundant catecholamine signaling consolidates fear memory via phospholipase C.
17.04.12 – Sensory specific associations stored in the lateral amygdala allow for selective alteration of fear memories.
10.04.12 – Cortical DNA methylation maintains remote memory.
03.04.12 – Glucocorticoids can induce PTSD-like memory impairments in mice.
27.03.12 – Remaking memories: reconsolidation updates positively motivated spatial memory in rats.
20.03.12 – Fear erasure in mice requires synergy between antidepressant drugs and extinction training.
06.03.12 – Adenosine A2 receptor antagonists improve déficits in initiation of movement and sensory motor integration in the unilateral 6-hydroxydmanine rat model os Parkinson’s disease.
28.02.12 – Alterations of emotion, cognition and firing activity of the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala after partial bilateral lesions of the nigrostriatal pathway in rats.
14.02.12 – Synaptic tagging and long-term potentiation.
07.02.12 – Pharmacological dissociation of moderate and high contextual fear as assessed by freezing behavior and fear-potentiated startle.